Sunday 20 February 2011

waiting for the summer sun...

i've decided that every week, i'm going to have updates on what i'm planning to wear this season. at the minute, i'm getting ready for warmer weather and buying summer essentials early, so it doesn't end up costing me a fortune when it is summer!

i've had my eye on these items for a while now! i will be purchasing them either today or tomorrow so im definitely ready!

gladiators; £6, Linzi shoes.
perfect for any kind of summer outfit, and i love, love, love the price for these gorgeous sandals!

everybody's wardrobe MUST contain a cute patterned vest, and this polka dotted one from topshop, £30, has a perfect twist to attract even more attention!

nauticals are back in this season, and this crop top is a fresh, modern spin on the look from last year. with long sleeves, this crop top is perfect for layering over a plain vest, so if you don't want to show off your stomach, this is still a key piece for your summer wardrobe! at £16 from miss selfridge, i think this is perfect for everyone!

this pale pink, heart cutout belt is perfect for jazzing up any outfit. wear with whatever you want to create a cute twist. only £16 from topshop, and suits almost anyone's style!

what will you be buying this summer?
are you waiting for summer to purchase your essentials or splurging out now like me?:)

1 comment:

  1. Bring on the summer already!! We adore glads & denim shorts...We want tons of summer Wildfox & statement jewellery. We're trying to resist spending so soon but it's so tricky...Eeeek! ;)

    T & J

